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20 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight
As we are growing in the fascinating world of digital technology, our time on laptop/tablets/cell phones/computers has increased since then. More and more jobs are now available, which require working on computers. Out of many jobs, whether they are for a computer-related field or telecommunication department, all require screen work. At the current time, where the pandemic disease has caused people to stay indoors, at the same time people didn’t get laid off are working from home. Not only working but also surfing the internet includes more time on screen. Now people are spending more time at home so their time on screen has doubled. In the past, people had board games for a fun activity, people used to have small gatherings and enjoyed playing games on board but now they have those games available on gadgets. Working and spending so much time on screen cause eye strain, dryness in eyes, and redness in eyes. All these things impact eyesight badly. There are certain ways you can improve your eyesight.
1- Choose an Exercise
Choose an exercise for your eyes that don’t put stress on your eyes. You can select a zigzag pattern for eye pupil to follow for at least sixty seconds.
2- Follow Healthy Diet
Following a healthy diet is very important for your eyes. Consume those foods which include nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
3-Set Your Sleep Routine
Set your sleeping period. Getting enough sleep is necessary for eyes. If you are not sleeping for 7-8 hours, you may feel headache and headache is often linked with weak eyesight.
4- Less Screen Time
Take an initiative for yourself and reduce your screen time, whether its TV, computer, tablet, or cell phone. Spending too much time on screen is a normal thing now, but it slowly affecting your eyes.
5- Increase Vitamin Intake
Take vitamin A in your diet and consume foods that have this vitamin. You can use supplements too. There are other vitamins too which help in improving your eyesight.
6- Always Wear Sunglasses
Whenever you go in sunlight always wear sunglasses. The strong radiation from the sun may affect your eyes. Sunglasses will act as a shield against harmful radiation.
7- Maintain Hygienic Condition Maintaining better hygienic conditions is significant. Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, or improperly washed hands. It will cause irritation in the eyes otherwise if not followed direction properly.
8- Prevent Eyes from Smoke
Prevent your eyes from smoke. If you are a smoker, quit smoking! Smoking may cause loss of vision. Decide it yourself what is more important for you…
9- A Healthy Immune System
Your body works well if you have a good immune system. A good immune system fights against foreign invasions of microorganisms. The healthy immune system may prevent you from sickness which causes eye problems.
10- Keep room Light Balanced for Eyes
When you are working on the internet, always maintain a balanced light in the room for your eyes or keep light balanced in your laptop/computer. So you don’t feel pressure in your eyes.
11- Close Your Eyes
Closing your eyes gives a relaxed feeling. Do it often as an exercise. Keep your eyes closed for sixty seconds. You can do this method after a chosen eye exercise too.
12- Balanced Diabetes
Diabetes is very much connected with vision impairment, so it’s necessary to control your body sugar level. Whether it is a high glucose level or low, both cases of diabetes cause loss of eyesight eventually.
13-Nutrient Rich Food such as Green Vegetables
One way you can improve your eyesight is by eating leafy green vegetables. They have some nutrients which are good for eyes, for instance, lutein and zeaxanthin.
14- Medical Conditions
Bear it in mind that your medical health is directly linked with your vision. A high and low blood pressure can affect your eyesight or even cause blurred vision. Drinking carrot juice will improve your eyesight plus it helps in lowering high blood pressure.
15-Blink Your Eyes
Blinking your eyes for a minute is also a very good exercise that gives you a clear vision right after doing it. If you are feeling eye strain or dryness in eyes, try blinking more.
16- Follow a Pattern of Exercise There are various one-minute exercises you can do for your eyes, doing exercises strengthens your eye muscles. And within a minute you can feel relaxed from eyestrain.
17- Protect Your Eyes with Eyewear
Use eyewear to protect your eyes from dust, and pollutants.
18- Do Eye Massage
Massaging your eyes is good exercise. Eye massage may reduce eye strain and this method will lubricate your eyes.
19- Focus on an Object Exercise
Try this method. Take an object to hold it at a balanced level with your head and try to focus on the object. Later when you get focused moves the object right and left. You can use your finger as an object too.
20- Stay Hydrated
Keep yourself hydrated, dehydration can cause eye strain, and a person may feel dizziness, drinking more water may help in getting a better vision. Use rose water eye drops; it is naturally good for the eyes.
Eyesight is the greatest blessing. Taking care of eyesight is included in your responsibilities. Manage your screen time; use the blue filter when necessary! Try to limit your time on screen after work. Often examine your eyesight to ensure that it’s perfectly alright. Always try out natural things for health-related problems because natural things don’t have a drawback unless used in an oblique way!
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