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20 Futuristic Features that will Transform Your Home
The world is growing very fast in tech-related researches and experiments. We are struck dumb when we notice the upcoming project of artificial intelligence; the future is becoming more and more advanced with the application of AI. The machine learning engineers are working for the ease of human beings. Many tasks performed by humans will get replaced with autonomous machines. There are so many functions of AI already becoming part of routine life. Talking about machines functioning here and there, it might be easy for people to understand the future home by recalling the Jetsons cartoons. A future home would be much of muchness appears as the Jetsons Cartoons, who would have thought so? There comes a day when we will live with robots in reality! The futuristic features which would be part of more or less everyone’s home are mentioned below. Look at these features, you might like some feature for your home as well.
1- Automatic Sliding Doors
We see the automatic sliding doors at so many places, in the near future; this feature would be part of homes. Who would have enough time to push or pull the door inside the home when one is too busy on the phone. You could simply walk around the home.
2- Mini Office at Home
In no time, there will be a small room specially organized as mini-office at people’s homes. The smart mini office will have everything available to perform work from home.
3- Automatic Room Lights
This automatic room light system will replace on and off switch buttons and lights will turn on as a person enters a room and automatically turn off if the person leaves. This system is already in use in some places.
4- Solar Panel System
With the amazing development and advancement in solar technology, the electric system of homes will soon get replaced with solar panels. Your home itself will be a power generator with solar panels.
5- Autonomous Robots
Normally people keep a maid for home chores but the future will be contrasting as an autonomous robot will do home tasks in a precise and fast way.
6- Interactive Floor Projection
This feature is so attractive and would make your home looks like a digital screen. Making it part of your home, you can even play games on these interactive floors.
7- Face Recognition Lock You would like to have a face recognition door lock for a specific room. This feature might help you in terms of privacy or important files you may need to put in a safe room. Your phone already has this feature.
8- Voice Recognition Door Lock
This is the most amazing futuristic feature you will have. You might be able to open a door lock with your voice. It would be most probably the same as the face recognition door lock.
9- Smart Phones Functions
There is much usage of smartphones now a day. With smartphones, you could operate oven, ac, tv, washing machines.
10- Home Security System
This feature would have much importance in the near future as the safety of home is a prime concern for everyone. The security camera will detect unknown faces and make an alert call to the police.
11- Security Fence around the Yard
A security fence outside the home will alert members inside, whenever a person tries to climb the fence. This would be an amazing feature in combination with a security camera.
12- Monitoring Tablets
You would have a monitoring tablet that will allow you to scan home appliances whether these appliances are working well or are there any fault in functions of machines!
13- Adjustable Bed
With a wireless remote you can set the position of your bed along with a mattress. Sleeping in a comfortable position won’t be a dream anymore.
14- Light Control Curtain System
Just like an adjustable bed, you can either use a voice or a wireless remote for controlling curtains. You could simply use remote to open and close curtains.
15- Smart Toilet
In the future, we will have a smart toilet, which would work automatically for cleaning of the toilet seat. There might be sensors in the toilet seat that would detect any health-related issue.
16- Food Recycler
This is a gadget at home that is available for a smart kitchen, which will recycle your food waste and turn it into natural fertilizer within 24 hours.
17- Smart Faucet
As a smart kitchen will be equipped with the latest appliances, there will be a smart faucet as well. The smart faucet will control the water being used for dishes. Other than that you might be able to use your voice for the required water level.
18- Wastewater Recycling
Just like food waste recycler, you would be able to recycle wastewater at home generated through automatic laundry or kitchen and that recycled water will be used for watering plants.
19- Smart Thermostat
This feature helps control room temperature and maintains it accordingly. You can connect it with your tablet and control setting of the thermostat.
20- RockuBot UVC
This smart rock bot gadget will be part of every home as it disinfects not only digital devices but also play music while cleaning germs inside the home.
These futuristic features definitely transform the structure you would be living in. These features would make your life easier and comfortable. The unseen future is ready to bring so much load of the technology revolution. We would be living with robots moving all around. Science fiction is finding its way to reality. With all this advancement, we must prepare ourselves for safety too, the safety of our children, elders, and other members of the community. Machines could have technical problems anytime; all we have to do is taking much precaution than before. The digital AI era is just around the corner!
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